Pam Ishmiel
Executive Director
Pam has been a lifelong resident of Benton County Indiana and raised her four children in the community. She wanted to be involved in her community and did so by serving in an elected official capacity. She served four years as a town council member and over eight years as a township trustee. This gave her an inside look at some of the needs within her community.
When she served on the local town council and served as the township trustee, she was able to complete some much needed upgrades to the town by securing funding and overseeing projects such as: construction of a new town hall, water infrastructure improvement project, new fire/rescue station, and a new fire tanker. One project that she is most proud of was the rehabilitation of a shelter located in the community park that needed repair as it had become unsafe for public use. Together with the township board and securing additional funds, the shelter was updated and now provides a safe place for the community and surrounding communities to enjoy at the community park during the warmer seasons.
Pam has been employed in different areas of the workforce over the years. Some of which include long term care administration, manufacturing administration, accounting and in the legal administration area. She wanted to be involved in the nonprofit sector and help organizations and entities that are striving to provide needed program funding for the youth and adults in the community. Her previous employment and her experience as an elected official, helped her get a true understanding of this need.
She decided to go back to school to become certified in the grant writing field, which has been both beneficial and rewarding. This decision has created many opportunities for her to work with new and existing programs in her community to gain the necessary funding to advance projects by secure funding. It has also provided many networking relationships, friendships, and the chance to assist with the development of novel programs for the local and surrounding communities.